welcome to the
links page for
direct links to
and ART sites,
COMPUTER related
sites and other
links.printmaking & art links
ALTER PRINTMAKING - blog about the deconstruction and the re-proposal of the language of print.
PRINTWORKS MAGAZINE. Essential reading if you are into printmaking.
People of Print - library of printmakers and designers with a sole purpose to inspire.
The Printmakers Council. Promoting the art of Printmaking.
LONDON PRINT STUDIO - A not-for-profit organisation offering
access to facilities and education for artist/printmakers.
Northern Print Studio - Open access studio, North Sheilds.
Highland Print Studio - Inverness, Scotland.
California Society of Printmakers
The Lower East Side Printshop - New York, NY
PRINT EUROPE. Promenade through this virtual exhibition.
ART DEADLINES LIST Competitions, jobs, internships, grants and 'call for entries'/proposals/papers etc.
Chris Mercier - artist and printmaker.
SONSOLES PRINT STUDIO - Open Access screenprint studio in London.
PIG prints - Milan Italy.
Guido Pigni - artist and printmaker Milan Italy.
Stamperia Carini Italy.
John Greco - Josephine Press, California USA.
The Wretched Etcher - Etching is a great way to spend one's time.
Michael Schneider - printmaker from Austria
Mary Gillett - painter/etcher from West Devon, UK.
Courses and workshops in etching and other printmaking techniques.
nicolaslattery.com Web site of British artist printmaker Nicola Slattery.
Examples of collagraph and drypoint prints in this
artists distinctive naive and figurative style.
Also details of various printmaking courses on offer at venues across England.
George Walker - Wood Engraver Ontario, Canada.
Michle Baczynsky - est une artiste multiple, based in Brussels.
Lara Loutrel - Printmaker, (etchings and dry-point).
Marisa Keller - Dutch artist and printmaker lives and works in Singapore.
Makes woodcuts, etchings, monotypes and mixed media prints.
Jim Butler - Artist and Printmaker, Stockport UK.
Dave Arnold - An eclectic multi media artist utilising screen / mono printing,
painting, photography, film, sculpture, performance, acting,
music and poetry in his work.
Screenprints and Poetry - The collaborative art of Joel and Deborah Cooper.
JEWISH PRINTS - Cynthia Payman, artist and printmaker.
Jürgen Höritzsch - artist printmaker from Chemnitz in Saxony.
Andreas Wolkerstorfer - Wood Engraver from Austria.
Marina Terauds - Painter and printmaker from Latvia, based in USA.
Philippa Silbert - Artist and printmaker in Wales.
Simon Ripley - Abstract monoprints on handmade Japanese papers. An intense experience of colour.
Geoffrey Ricardo - Artist, printmaker based in Australia.
Joseph J Field - artist and printmaker working in the Welsh Marches near Monmouth.
Carol Lyons - Woodblocks, monotypes.
David DuBose - Artist printmaker from Lubbock, Texas, now living and working in Northern Ireland.
New Leaf Editions Vancouver Canada and biennual mini print show
Hope Barton - Miniature Etchings.
Hester Cox - Artist and printmaker based in North Yorkshire.
Russell Richards - Printmaker and puppet maker.
Mitch Lyons - Clay monoprints.
Rona Green - Australian visual artist specialising in printmaking.
Print Arts Northwest - Northwest Print Council.
Lorna Siviter - Illustrator and printmaker.
Murtra Edicions -Taller de gravat calcogràfic i edicions Jordi Rosés & Pilar Lloret.
MORSURA APERTA - Italian printmaker's blog about engraving, printmaking, artists' books, book plates and more.
Hot Bed Press - artists' printmaking studio, based in Salford, Gt. Manchester.
GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO - printmaking workshop and gallery.
Bristol Print Room.
Ian MacCulloch - Artist and Printmaker
Wim Zurne - Artist/Printmaker from Holland.
Anna Warsop - Artist/Printmaker
Orna Feinstein - Texas Printmaker specializing in monoprints.
Nicholas Nicola - Etchings, photo essays and writings
Lezle Williams - Laughing Crow Studio - non-toxic printing.
BAREN - Online forum for woodblock printing.
David Bromley - Artist, Illustrator and Printmaker.
Dianne Murphy - Artist and printmaker.
Elise Nicol - Artist/Printmaker.
Avis Saltsman Artist and Printmaker.(mixed media) London UK.
Stacy Frank - Printmaker Santa Cruz, California.
CHERRY PRESS - Cherry Press - Rutland, Massachusetts, USA. - workshops, studio rental, residencies.
Joshua Norton - Artist printmaker specialisiing in woodcuts. USA.
Gerry Baptist - painter and printmaker, abstracts/figurative/landscapes.
Richard Spare - Artist and Printmaker, London.
Robert M Viana - artist/printmaker, Florida USA.
André Jacquemin - French Painter Etcher / Engraver.
Gail Brodholt - London based painter/printmaker.
Colin Bailey - Prints and etchings by Rye and Hastings artist and printmaker.
Hilary Lorenz artist and printmaker using science as a basis for artwork.
Herman Noordermeer - Artist and printmaker - Goutum / The Netherlands.
Art on the Internet
World Wide Arts Resources
Woodblock Printmaker David Bull - working in Japan (bilingual site)
DRAW CUT INK PRESS - a website/blog for lino printing.
Kamakura Print Collection - Peter Miller
Istvan Horkay - Musuem Factory.
Dorothy Woollard,RE, 1886-1986. - Etchings and woodcuts
and a new book by Roger Staton draws together the results of more than five years of research into her life and work.
The Andy Warhol Museum.
PRINTMAKING TODAY This excellent magazine is not published on the internet but there is a home page to be found at this link.
INTAGLIOPRINTMAKER.COM - specialist suppliers of equipment and materials to printmakers.
T.N.LAWRENCE Suppliers of art and printmaking materials.
- Manhattan Graphics Center.
The Print Studio (blog) - Print studio based in Cambridge run by Kip Gresham. Specializes in collaborative Screenprinting, Etchings and other relief printing as well as editioning.
Leicester Print Workshop - A fine art printmaking workshop based in Highfields in Leicester.
West London Art Factory - Artists studios and screen printing workshop.
The New Grounds Print Workshop - A non-toxing printmaking facility in New Mexico.
TAKACH PRESS and Gallery.
FROGMAN'S PRESS and Gallery.
ROLLACO PRESSES A good range of presses from a 50cm to 25cm wide beds, with a comprehensive range of options.
ENJAY PRESSES pty Ltd Australia - Etching Press Makers and exporters.
Electroetch - supplies and gallery.
Art-Boards.com - Printmaking blocks and other useful stuff.
POLYMETAAL Dutch manufacturer of Printmaking equipment. PLUS Gallery.
Gunning Arts - Quality Etching machines for the artist, schools and colleges.
Art Equipment Ltd. - Etching press & silk screen exposure unit manufacturer - Rushden, Northants, England.
Falkiners - Specialist suppliers of fine paper for all aspects of the arts and in particular handmade Japanese papers, unavailable anywhere else in the UK.
Art Equipment Ltd. - Etching press & silk screen exposure unit manufacturer.
Printmaking Tools from Matthieu Coulanges, France.
Tot En Art - specialized in Intaglio and Lithography materials and equipment
based in Spain.
SQUEEGEEVILLE.COM - Screenprinting studio located on Vancouver Island, Canada.
Search the World's Largest Visual Art Events Database
Art Gallery Worldwide - A lot of artworks in different styles and media.
Website offers a wide variety of features and services that enable customers
to buy and sell their art.
computer & internet
EMIGRE : If you are interested in fonts, Emigre have created some of the most innovative new typefaces in recent years.
The definitive guide to UK Internet sites.
The Reading Town Guide... local resources and information for Berkshire and the Thames Valley.
Ancient Egyptian Page by Mark Millmore.
Tel: 07973 219523 - 14 Rowallan Close, Caversham Park Village, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 6QS England.